The patch deletes the HotCoffee minigame only from the PC version, Xbox and Play Station, waiting quietly in line for Rockstar Games to solve the Bully problems. The patch, weighing in 11MB, is available for download on the official site, (good name, slow reaction) and aside from the full deletion of the minigame, which almost got Rockstar scalped by Hillary Clinton and Jack Thompson, it also solves some bugs, such as the way in which the game runs in HDTV resolution. Hot picture Bully Scholarship Edition Pc, find more porn picture bully scholarship edition pc mandy wiles by danytatu on, iso gamer bully scholarship. What took the Rockstar team so long to release this patch? Or perhaps they didn't think it was enough for the game to be banned in Australia and to have its rating changed in the US and almost starting world war three? Or perhaps all this time, they have been just sipping their coffee. bully-scholarship-edition-pc Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4. A few months ago and many millions of dollars later than it should have, Rockstar Games has finally decided to release a patch that removes the pornographic scenes from GTA San Andreas, which could have been activated by the already famous Hot Coffee mod.